Monday, February 14, 2011

Short hair in 13 years

Hi everyone.
I finally got a haircut and it's my first time in 13 years i've had short hair... and also a  fringe haha. However, my haIir doesn't look that great if I don't wear any accessories with it, if not, I'll have to straighten it because there are still some signs of my perm (wavy ends). it looks a bit weird . haha. Any ways, i didn't realise how well short hair suited me; great way to start anew. I won't be posting any fotos up since you guys will probably see me around university- or maybe just not recognise me at all haha! I feels good to have short hair after so many years of long hair =) However, this event has led to one another addiction.*drum roll* and these are


So I went online shopping for them on ebay lolz. (yeh, i'm a little crazy now). Headbands, especially the ones with the prominent flower/shiny thing are very suitable for people with short hair/should length hair. Here are some of the really nice ones i might be buying off ebay- most of these are stocked by a South Korean seller on ebay called  dear-blossom who I am abolutely loving right now. Handmade headbands all the way~~~~ <3 These are all on my wish list/ watch list.

However, here's an exception; it's very pretty.
My 2nd favourite out of these few.
1st: I REALLY want this headband because the colour and texture combination is beautiful.
3rd: My favourite colour IS blue.  The diamontes are very harmonious with the blue. <3
6th: Going out with this would be interesting.
7th: The shiny outline is perfect when it's worn out.
4th: I saw a dress a while back when i shopping for my year 12 formal dress, and it had this silver scales sewed on a black fabric. It looked amazing, unfortunately it was $500. lolz
5th: Although this one is pink, it matches with blue clothes really nicely.
As you can see they're mostly blue/pink/silver/white because they're colours I can pull off. However, since Valentines Day was yesterday, here's a present for my readers.
My friend, with the alias Nichole, made it for me haha. I tried and failed making a rose. But here's a BLUE kawasaki rose. However, TODAY, is Break Up day. So HAPPY BREAK UP DAY EVERYONE!
Happy Valentines Day <3 <3 <3


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