Wednesday, January 19, 2011

2011- [university] high school with more expensive books?

 Hi everyone who's reading this~ My first blog entry at blogspot and it feels weird hehe. For those who don't know me, my alias is Lily =) I've graduated St George Girls High School in 2010 and am attending UNSW in 2011. I chose Bachelor of Commerce (liberal studies) and currently thinking of what liberal studies major I should choose even though i should know this already. And also by looking at my html, you can tell that i'm obsessed with the Australian stationery brand "Smiggle". <3

2011 UNSW Semester 1 timetable: Click on it for larger view
 Is university different to high school? judging from this timetable it is. Instead of the usual 8:40am start, 3pm finish and additional lessons from tutoring centres, it has become variable and those tutoring lessons become free time... lunch time lessons become actual lunch times! haha . Uniform becomes daily mufti days hehe. But the thing that would change the most would be us (i think). We would be exposed to so many people, so many different perspectives about issues that may not have occurred to us before. What's your opinion? =)

smigg[LILY] <3


At January 19, 2011 at 11:25 PM , Blogger Kim's Brain Hates Me said...

Wow...unsw works quickly. how on earth have you selected units and got your timetable already...

and yay first comment on your first post

At January 20, 2011 at 12:18 AM , Blogger ripple_lily said...

haha i kind of pre planned everything. i had my timetable ready 2 weeks ago but i just confirmed it today. xD

At January 20, 2011 at 5:05 AM , Blogger Nichole said...



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